Before I go into my rant, on this Veteran's Day, I want to say how much I appreciate and thank the people who do the things I don't have the balls to do, and protect our freedom. And for all you idiots who think we would have the life we do if there was no military and people to go out there and fight and kill these lunatics who want 9/11 to happen everyday here, you should leave this country, please...From the bottom of my heart, thank you United States Military.
Friends, it's a really interesting word - the meaning even more intriguing. Think about it. Who truly is your friend besides some of your family and your Mom? Who could you call at 3 in the morning from a foreign country when you have just been arrested, and that person would be on the first plane the next morning to bail you out?
There aren't many things we remember vividly from our past - I mean as though we were standing there yesterday - but I will never forget when I was 13 years-old my Mom telling me, "Rob, you'll be lucky when you're older if you can count your true friends on one hand." And I remember thinking she was crazy because at that time I had about 10-12 guys/girls who WERE my friends. They came over all the time, we had parties together all the time, we signed each other's yearbooks in June every year, saying "your friend, see you in September." That was crazy talk. That couldn't be. That only happened to her. But after 8th grade, I learned that her prediction or prophecy, might have had some validity to it because all those supposed friends, 1 by 1, started to disappear. And it wasn't me, because I have been the same way since I was in kindegarten, it was life. That's what happens, I guess. People come in and out of your life all the time. Some are there for a year, some are there for 25. Some are there for a minute, and some are there for a lifetime. But I think why that happens is because a lot of people don't really understand the true meaning of friendship. I think a lot of people get lost in the drunk talk, and the bullshit of a night out where you profess your undying devotion to each other, where nothing can be wrong, and that life is great. Well, let me tell you something, I've had a lot of those, and I can barely count my true friends on one hand.
I'm going to tell you right now what being a true friend is about, and I want all of you to think really hard about this and if it applies to you. You know everyone's a friend when things are going great... But you'll always know your real friends when you're at the bottom, because they will be there to pick you up. They will call you first to see if you're ok. They will take you out when you're feeling depressed and buy you a drink. They'll talk to you and listen even when they don't want to. True friends are always friends, even if THEY are having a tough time. You are always there for each other, no matter what. Being a true friend is accepting someone for who they are, not for what you want them to be. It's not judging them, because Lord knows we all have our faults. It's seeing something in them that either you wish you had or that makes you feel better about yourself and the world. It's inviting them into your family when they are not your family. It's trusting them with your deepest fears and your greatest joys, and not having them throw either back in your face. And it's accepting their faults, and its forgiving them when no one else will.
Being a true friend isn't easy, no one ever said it was. But when you find that person who you think could be like your family, who you have shared intimate moments with, who you feel has your back, don't let them go. Don't let a stupid argument get in the way. Life is too short. We are all grasping for straws out there. Believe me, you are going to need your friends one day because as good as it's going for you right now, tomorrow it could all change.
Now there are going to be times when you want to kill that person, or when you feel betrayed or feel like this person isn't your friend, but at the end of the day, if you are true friends, you will apologize, shake hands, and forget it ever happened. I always say this, and I live by this, I don't have money, fame, power, influence, a woman, a life...wait, hold on, now I'm depressing myself :) but what I do have in this world, is my word and my loyalty. Those are the only two things I got. And if I'm you're friend, yes there will be depression, and annoyance, but there will also be a lot of fun and laughter. Because come on, at the end of the day, when you take a real look at the place we live in, it sucks! If you don't laugh, you'll cry. Right?
I've added a new section to this blog. I hope you enjoy.
The wave of Music shocks your body.
Your hands, they tremble.
Your feet, they stumble.
To feel it is to be it,
To love it is to know it.
An experience in which emotions run high,
and tears flow is a special high with which music lives.
It can hold you and comfort you, and it can bring you in touch with life.
That's why music waves your sights and numbs your joints.
That's why music stands you still and breaks your points.
Your hands, they tremble,
Your feet, they stumble,
Your feelings bumble.
And all the while, it's just the music.
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